
Heal, feel the world around you get lighter,

Heal, don’t be a loser instead prove you are a fighter.

Heal, don’t let the world steal that smile from your face,

Heal, let the positive spirits in you make their place.

Heal, because you are not worth all these sorrows,

Heal, because there will be much better tomorrows.

Heal, let others fill the void in your heart,

Heal, because you cannot let yourself fall apart 

Heal, give life a new head start.



Also Read:- Pause

NaPoWriMo Day 9 #9Liner

Daily Post: Heal





38 thoughts on “Heal

  1. Hello

    It was a pleasure traversing through your blog. I must say really creative and original content. “Heal, because you cannot let yourself fall apart ” This line was the best

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